“If we work together in the open, we can advance the state of technology together,” was a statement the social media giant, Facebook, released on its blog on September 14 this year. This statement came after the said entity collaborated with another social media channel, Instagram to bring out React Native. Until now, Facebook and Instagram were known to be social media sites. However, after this development, both these entities will be spoken of with awe. The content that follows will answer the question why it will be so. The collaborative efforts of Facebook and Instagram have made it possible to release React Native, barely six months after its iPhone version was released on Github, another technology display platform. This development has opened up great possibilities for social media platforms to enter core developmental activities.
What is React Mobile App
The question that begs attention here is “What is this React Native?” It takes barely few minutes for a user playing with this new innovative app to realize the potential it exhibits. It has blurred the distinction between writing mobile apps and writing apps for the web version. React Native is the next generation application of the innovative React. React in turn is a Javascript library developed by the collaborative efforts of Facebook and Instagram. This was released on Github in the year 2013. Like Ember and Angular, React too is a library, which is most enlightening and illuminating. React Native gives users to keep the main thread of animations as smooth as possible while it actually performs its functions on a very different thread.
Benefits of React Mobile App
React Native takes all the good things from React.js and seeks to apply it to native applications. Although this new invention is not yet public, it has a number of benefits. React Native is a completely new way of looking at app development for the web. It actually performs its functions in a completely different thread, distinct from the main thread so that the latter is rendered free to focus on smooth animations. Apart from all this, React Native also has flexbox for displaying its layout. Many other frameworks do not provide this feature. React Native is solid engineering at its best. The customization of React to React Native proves that React.js is the right way to build apps. React Native tends to use JavaScriptCore in internet operating system to run Javascript. Thus, it provides a platform for a very useful system to function, thus making it possible to perform important functions.
Why to Consider React Mobile App
Initially, there was a lot of doubt in the minds of users of the utility of React. The initial demonstration of its JavaScript language made users uneasy so much so that they started abandoning it. Unlike other applications, React seeks to combine HTML and JavaScript, and also provides users a well-stocked library of applications for various uses. React has proved tremendously useful for live projects carried out by developers indigenously and all around the world. It has been tested and used by large companies such as Netflix and have got positive reviews all round. React Native is seen as a useful option to create internet operating system and android apps that feel comfortable on their respective platforms. React Native enables users to create components that represent increasing layers of abstraction. For example, one might create a ButtonGroup component that may facilitate the writing of components that represent entire screens. Thus, even if the app becomes larger, its components remain simple and easily accessible.
Thus, we have answered two questions through this article. One, we have elaborated the benefits of the React Native mobile app and then we have attempted to answer the complex question of why it should be considered for use. React Native provides a platform using JavaScriptCore for a very useful system to function & to perform important functions. Thinking of considering reactive native for your next app already? Promatics is here to help.
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