Posts Tagged With

UX mistakes

10 Cardinal E-Commerce UX Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make

10 Cardinal E-Commerce UX Mistakes You Cannot Afford to Make

Hariom Tiwari | April 30, 2022

E-commerce: The way to be connected to the world Ecommerce has slowly become a critical component of corporate strategy and a powerful stimulus for economic development in the rising global economy. As e-commerce grows, increased competition, cost savings, and changes in seller pricing behaviour may all lead to decreased inflation. Having an online store to … Continue reading

Popular UX mistakes present in today’s apps

Popular UX mistakes present in today’s apps

Gayatri Akella | September 13, 2017

Building a mobile app is involved with a lot of things such as – designing the UI, adding features, navigation etc that affect the user experience (UX). It needs a lot of time and energy to build a mobile app. But, the sad truth is that most of the mobile apps lose majority of their … Continue reading