Posts Tagged With

outsource app development

Outsourcing App Development: How to Effectively Communicate with the App Development Agency?

Outsourcing App Development: How to Effectively Communicate with the App Development Agency?

Rahul Singh | June 15, 2022

One of the most prevalent concerns among entrepreneurs who wish to contract out a portion of their business is communication issues. It’s no surprise! Lack of understanding of how to interact with an outsourced team might derail a project, as it runs through many of its stages: from gathering requirements and planning through development and … Continue reading

Building a mobile app remotely? You need to read this

Building a mobile app remotely? You need to read this

Rahul Singh | August 8, 2020

Having a product specification, choosing a remote app development company and signing an official contract can be just that unless you have any idea about how remote cooperation in app development works. Businesses need to set up cooperative objectives, expectations and rules right at the start of a project to ensure that the development team … Continue reading

What’s better? Building your app in-House or Outsourcing it to a Mobile App Development Company

What’s better? Building your app in-House or Outsourcing it to a Mobile App Development Company

Rahul Singh | August 12, 2017

More than 95% of Fortune 500 companies have adopted enterprise mobile apps and are investing in building mobility solutions. Mobile apps in business world seem to pose explosive growth in consumer technology market. Developing a mobile app needs significant amount of investment and time. The biggest decision to make is whether to outsource the work … Continue reading